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Smart government

It’s not a bigger government we need, but a smarter government


Met de samenkomst en combinatie van ontwikkelingen zoals internet of things, big data, open data, wifi, cloud computing, datacenters, breedband, sensoring, 3D-printen e.d. ontstaat er een explosie aan gedistribueerde rekenkracht, waardoor steeds meer informatie steeds sneller beschikbaar komt.


Gartner's Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for Smart Government:

  • Personal Mobile Workplace
  • Mobile Citizen Engagement
  • Big Data and Actionable Analytics
  • Cost Effective Open Data
  • Citizen Managed Data
  • Hybrid IT and Cloud
  • Internet of Things
  • Cross Domain Interoperability
  • BPM for Case Management
  • Gamification for Engagement


Radicaal anders organiseren, informatietechnologie toepassen en gebruikmaken van kennis van burgers en partners is de cocktail die de publieke sector de komende jaren zal transformeren. In de zorg, in het onderwijs en op allerlei andere terreinen zoals op het gebied van duurzaamheid, mobiliteit en veiligheid zie je de eerste voorbeelden van hoe de publieke sector verandert.


Le gouvernement en ligne, le « gouvernement ouvert » et les services publics « intelligents » supposent des échanges continus et conviviaux entre les citoyens et les différentes composantes de l’État.

Ces échanges s’accommodent mal de l’organisation bureaucratique fondée sur l’information consignée sur le papier qui, à ce jour, caractérise l’administration publique.

Datum - Date

22 maart - mars  2016

Plaats - Place

Prins Albert Club Prince Albert

Rue des Petits Carmes 20

1000 Bruxelles



Tel. 02/534 94 51


Thibault Van der Auwermeulen


Tel. 02/534 94 51



Introductie - Introduction

Frank Leyman

Manager International relations


congress chairman

Digitaal Vlaanderen

Luc Lathouwers


Transitiemanager Agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen

Step into the City of Things

Experience the amazing world of connected citizens and evidence-based innovation.

Davor Meersman


Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s approach to transforming governments and cities to fully embrace the digital world and optimize service delivery to your citizens.

Yves Vanderbeken

Account Chief Technologist HP

In this session, we will focus on the opportunities any government is having today for optimizing services to citizens that are already fully immersed in the digital world. We will demonstrate how we can help advise, design, transform, manage and run these services for governments in an open standard and partnership model that is unique to most IT vendors.  In the second part, we will present a reference architecture to evolve to a digital government. We will also focus on some references where Hewlett Packard Enterprise either helped create the transformation roadmap or developed the necessary building blocks to increase efficiency in the digital world. One example will be Norfolk County in UK, where we will demonstrate how an Information Hub with Big Data characteristics plays a pivotal role in facilitating information exchange and analysis while saving the whole government millions of euros annually and delivering more proactive services to citizens.

Een slimme overheid vraagt om een open overheid

Paul Suijkerbuijk

Open data expert at Leer- en Expertisepunt Open Overheid

Stichting ICTU (Nederland)

Digital Cognitive Technology

Joan Van Loon,

IBM Belux Government Leader

Government and Citizens - a New Relationship.   How have citizens or will citizens change their behaviors through the use of digital technology, their expected lifestyle and personal service options.

4Instance - 20 years later - a smart website 

Thibault Van der Auwermeulen,

Founder 4Instance

Partners - Partenaires